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Day one

Today we introduced ourselves and learned what this STEMmersion is all about and what we will be doing throughout it. My favorite part of the day was sitting outside by the water. Although the goose poop was unpleasant to be near, I liked the sunshine's warmth. The multiple types of birdie chirps and the scenery overall. Of course I took my stuffed bunny along as well.

Day Two

Haigu activity:

Colorful filled scape
happy place worries aside
silent night warm sky

Today we went to Cox Arboretum. Our goal was to complete a Scavenger Hunt, but I'm not sure if we had completed it, the paper got drenched. I would have enjoyed it a Lot more if It wasn't pouring 90% of the time. Me and my friend Leah went on a trail and got lost for a bit, climbed up the tree tower and took lots of pictures of the birds, geese, and landscape. Overall, It was really fun and peaceful. I got soaked but I did get a lot of neat photos of flowers and stuff. But we did find a dead baby bird and watched a big fish eat some baby fish. Rip. Hopefully next trip will be better and less rainy.

Day Three

River poem activity:

This is the water, wet and moist.
This is the tree, brown and sticky. Which is beside the water, wet and moist.
This is the hill, large and grassy. Covered in trees, brown and sticky. Next to the water, wet and moist.

This is the mud, brown and squishy. Which is what the trees are in, brown and sticky. Ontop of the hill, large and grassy. Next to the water, wet and moist.

This is the sand , small and fine. Along with the mud, brown and squishy.  On top of the hill large and grassy.With the trees brown and sticky. Next to the water wet and moist. 
This is the fishies, sweeshy and swooshy. Swimming in the water, along with sand, small and fine. The mud, brown and squishy. which lays on the hill, large and grassy. On the hill lays trees, brown and sticky. With water flowing between, wet and moist.
This is the beaver, plump and round. Friends with the fishies, sweeshy and swooshy. They swim near the sand, small and fine. Near the mud, brown and squishy. Which lay upon the hill, large and grassy. Tress lay on that hill, being brown and sticky. water flowing in between, wet and moist. Making the river, lively and colorful.

Today we had multiple visitors. They all talked about water, rain water, how it's filtered and such and what they do. 
My favorite part of today was listening to the guy with the van and the tunnel camera things. I thought it was neat. Yoga today was also pretty pleasant. I can't wait till we go kayaking and conooooing.

Day Four

Today we got to learn about the book wild, the lady had walked through deserts and mountains, backing packing, and had no previous experience at all. Her trip was 94 days long. Once we had finished watching videos of her talking about her journey, we had to make a list of what we thought should be in a backpack and had to carry the weight of a backpack as such, all doing so with a partner of our choice. Finally we watched a movie about living in the wilderness and studying wolves. thennn yoga. 

Day Five

Today's Activity: Script




Sophia- Turtle (thinks she is a fish)

Leah- CEO

Kylie- Duck

Courtney- Narrator


Act 1

Narrator: Hello boys and girls, today I’ll tell you the story of the empty pond. It all started when two little innocent creatures were enjoying their pond

Duck: This is such a great pond

Turtle: The best

(the two play around in the pond)


Act 2

Narrator: Nearby, the local Bottled Water company CEO walks along a trail near the pond.

CEO: Oh, my company is almost bankrupt! If I don’t find a new resource and fast… Say! There’s a big pond right over there! And it’s unguarded. This must be my lucky day!

(CEO goes over to pond and takes some water)


Act 3

Duck: Hey! Just what do you think you’re doing with our water?!

CEO: I would hardly say this water is yours

Duck: We all live here!

CEO: Is your name on it?

Duck: no

CEO: Then I’d say it’s up for grabs

(CEO takes some more water)

Duck: Oh no you don’t!

(Duck throws a rock at CEO)

CEO: Ow! Take this you little rodent!

(CEO dumps her trash in the pond and it pollutes the water)

CEO: Well, I have all the water I’ll need, enjoy your dirty pond! (Maniacal laugh)

Narrator: Duck desperately tried to escape the cataminated water, but it was too late.

(Duck dies dramatically)


Act 4

Turtle: Duck? Where are you? What’s up with the water today (cough)?

(Turtle sees Duck dead)


(CEO walks by and laughs with stolen water in hand)

Turtle: I will avenge you Ducky!

Narrator: Turtle realized what the CEO had done to the water, she knew that the only way to save her pond was to replace the dirty water with the clean water that had been stolen. Because apparently the CEO had taken a lot of it.

(Turtle gets some rocks and attacks the CEO)

Turtle: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHH!!! Take this! (throws a rock) And that! (throws another rock)

CEO: AAH! You rotten creatures! I’ll take care of you! (throws more trash at Turtle)

Turtle: AAH! (gags)



Narrator: With her final breath, Turtle throws another rock at the CEO, who falls, and the water magically lands back in the pond.

(CEO dies, then Turtle dies)

Narrator: And so what was once a lively pond sits here today empty and slightly dirty. So remember kids, please don’t take some random animal’s pond water, then nobody wins.

Today's we went on a field trip to The Narrows. It was super yucky and muddy there, and because it had rained recently, the water was to high to play in. My favorite part about it was walking along the trails listening to the birds, and looking at all the different types of plants and animals. At one point we were also taken into a building to look at everything. I played in sand and pet a snake, so it was pretty cool. I had my Ducky the entire time as well. I feel like I learned a lot about trees.

Day Six

Today's Activity: Farm Story/Poem

I am a barn on this farm, Long and tall.
The only friends I have come to know, are the barn animals that use me as shelter through the long harsh days.
I watch the horses run through the fields that stretch for miles.
I watch the pigs eat and eat, then play in their own filth.
I see the cows graze on the grass, and the ducklings follow their mother around franticly throughout their days.
I see new animals come, as others pass or are taken away by the farmer that comes and goes.
The years grow on and the farmer has grown old and I have.
As Time will go on and I will evidently fall apart beyond repair.
Till then, I will be the barn that watches as life starts and ends for all types of creatures on my lively farm.

Today we went to Carriage Hill Farms. I learned how a farm looked like in the 1800s. I saw lots of animals, horses, and ugly "Chicken?", some pigs, a cat, and lots of birdies. My favorite part was hanging out in the creek with everyone, although I got sand everywhere....It was a lot of fun. I threw rocks in the water and we splashed at each other and attempted to skip rocks. Best field trip so far, I think anyhow. 

Day Seven

Day Eight

Today's Activity: Small World

The grass is short, so its easy to see the bugs scurrying around. Dirt. Goose poop not far away. Looking down at the grass, I felt like I had emerged myself in a new tiny world. It was kinda like that one movie Bug's Life. It was neat seeing how a beetle was like an elephant to the ants. The grasshoppers were huge compared to the ants. And the ants were carrying leaves, or fearing for life. Cause I accidentally smooshed some of their friends. I was a giant compared to them all. 

Today we walked to Delco Park. Once we had walked the 35 minutes there, an author talked with us about their books and stuff. Then we were free to roam until we had to go. I hung out with a friend by the lake, looking at ducks, geese, and their babies. There was also an encounter with a snake. It poked its head up from the water, did the tongue thing, then disapeared. Played at a playground, it was alright. Too hot tho, ive got a sunburn. 

Day Nine

Today's Activity: Recipe Poem

To make a lake it takes tons of warm water, filled with fish, geese, and ducks of all sorts. Surround the lake with trees, tall, and short. Decorate this lake with flowers, bushes and clovers of sorts. If you did this correctly, you will notice those who don't visit are few.

Today we went Kayaking on the river at the Narrows. I had a lot of fun. Without a doubt my favorite field trip during this STEMmersion. I loved playing in the water, watching dragonflies fly by as I attempted to get down the river with little difficulties along the way. I got stuck 5 times, but I didn't flip, so it's all good. When I listened closely I heard a frog, birds chirping, the water flowing, the throwing of rocks and the chatter of people near me.

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